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Principal Study Repetiteur 1

The Principal Study module is the primary focus of your individual development as a repetiteur. The central elements of this module are regular lessons with a specialist tutor and mentored participation in rehearsals and performances, with a particular emphasis on nurturing the skills associated with vocal coaching. You will be assessed in a minimum of two performances plus an examination on prepared excerpts, giving you the opportunity to demonstrate the learning outcomes of the module across a range of contexts and repertoires.

Module aims

This module is designed to:

  • Foster mastery in the disciplines required of a repetiteur
  • Develop a growing knowledge base that supports understanding and facilitates the solving of complex problems experienced by a repetiteur: these skills should begin to fulfil the expectations of the profession
  • Develop musical versatility and adaptability in a range of collaborative contexts within the Opera School and thoroughly to familiarise you with the practices and ethos of a professional opera company
  • Enable you to acquire the skills to pursue and sustain fulfilling, lifelong learning, leading to informed performance at professional level.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • LO1 Demonstrate technical and expressive mastery as a repetiteur
  • LO2 Demonstrate control of sound, textures and balance within varied contexts
  • LO3 Employ a range of knowledge and understanding in-and-through the process of making music


Assessment 1: Performance B (25% + 25%)

Assessed LOs: 1, 2, 3.

Assessment 2: Performance A (50%)

Assessed LOs: 1, 2, 3.

The requirements for Performance A and B are detailed in the Assessment Specifications.

Assessment criteria

Assessors will look for:

LO1 – Demonstrate technical and expressive mastery as a repetiteur

  • secure rhythmic foundation and sense of tempo
  • musical perception and projection
  • ability to shape a musical structure
  • a secure piano technique
  • expressive detail and textual accuracy
  • understanding of drama in the text and the music
  • sense of pace and theatre
  • ability to follow a conductor

LO2 – Demonstrate control of sound, textures and balance within varied contexts

  • understanding of texture and style
  • understanding of the orchestral score
  • ability to replicate orchestral colour and scale on the keyboard
  • technical control and freedom in order to achieve musical intent

LO3 – Employ a range of knowledge and understanding in-and-through the process of making music

  • imagination in interpretation
  • understanding of structure, form and genre
  • ability to project ideas
  • understanding of style


You will recieve regular formative feedback from your tutor in your lessons, and a written report twice a year. In some departments the tutor report will take the form of a mutually constructed feedback session.

You will receive a written feedback report on each A and B assessment.



Key resources will be recommended by principal study tutors.

Summary details

Module titlePrincipal Study Repetiteur 1
SCQF level11
Credit rating80 SCQF (40 ECTS)
Total notional student effort hours800
Module coordinatorHead of Opera
Co-requisitesSupporting Studies 1
Next stepsPrincipal Study Repetiteur 2 or MA Negotiated Study
Learning modesIndicative hours
Scheduled study30 (minimum)
Independent study770 (maximum)
Total notional student effort800