Piano for Dance Stage 2
Performance A
Ai Formal assessment consisting of playing for a 75-90 minute Company Class. Assessed by RCS and Scottish Ballet staff and a Specialist External Assessor. Live or video, end of term 3. 40%
Aii Viva conducted by Scottish Ballet Music and Ballet Staff, along with RCS staff and a Specialist External Assessor. The student will submit a self-assessment report before assessment Ai, which should:
• review progress in musical aspects and working practices. • review knowledge of repertoire, and should list repertoire covered • review development of improvisational ability • include a folio of repertoire suitable for class
The viva is then conducted on the basis of both the work with the company class and the self- assessment report. 10%
Performance B
Bi Observation of Working Practice by RCS and Scottish Ballet staff on playing repertoire for Company Rehearsals (End of term 3) 25%
Bii Formal assessment consisting of playing for an appropriate advanced-level ballet class. Assessed by RCS and Scottish Ballet staff. (Mid-session exam diet) 25%