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Principal Project

In this core module you will work towards an individually negotiated programme of high-level artistic outputs, such as performances, compositions, recordings, or documented research, according to the discipline. This module is supported by 20.25 hours of one-to-one lessons from a specialist tutor.


This module is designed to:

  • Encourage the development of a distinctive musical personality
  • Provide opportunities for performance and composition, and support students in creating their own opportunities

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

  • LO1 Realise, recreate, create, manipulate and/or produce music to a high professional level, expressing your artistic concepts in a well-developed musical personality
  • LO2 Evidence sophisticated craft skills at the forefront of the discipline, creating coherent musical experiences across a range of repertoires, styles, forms and genres
  • LO3 Take responsibility for engagement between context, audience and musical material, projecting your ideas fluently and with confidence in a range of contexts

Assessment 1

You will be assessed through one or two negotiated assessments (100% or 50% + 50%)

The negotiated assessments for this module will typically be performances, but may also be compositions, recordings, or documented research. As well as offering an artistic vehicle, it is expected that you will seek opportunities that will support your future professional development: examples might include: entering competitions; freelance work; professional recitals; and/or high quality audio and/or video recordings.At least one of these assessments will be assessed by an external panel, comprising a Specialist External Examiner, an internal specialist, and a generalist convener. Where there is a second assessment it will usually be carried out by a panel comprising two internal specialists.

Assessment criteria

Assessors will look for:

LO1 – Realise, recreate, create, manipulate and/or produce music to a high professional level, expressing your artistic concepts in a well-developed musical personality

  • performances which can challenge both the artist and audience
  • originality and creative imagination
  • fine understanding of style and idiom
  • committed and engaging response to the music

LO2 – Evidence sophisticated craft skills at the forefront of the discipline, creating coherent musical experiences across a range of repertoires, styles, forms and genres

  • textual accuracy
  • consistency and concentration in performance
  • confident leading and sympathetic support in collaborative and ensemble contexts
  • technical control and freedom to fully realise musical intent

LO3 – Take responsibility for engagement between context, audience and musical material, projecting your ideas fluently and with confidence in a range of contexts

  • confident stagecraft
  • effective communication
  • rapport with the audience
  • awareness of context and trend
  • knowledge of the repertoire

Alignment of assessment

Assessment 1

Other relevant details

Next steps

Summary details

Module TitlePrincipal Project
Module CoordinatorHead of Department
Credit Rating80 SCQF (40 ECTS)
Co-requisitesSupporting Project
Minimum and maximum number of students1-10
Learning modesIndicative hours
Scheduled study20.25
Independent study779.75
Total notional student effort800